Organic agriculture: the "Sovescio" technique
The ancient technique of green manure consists of sowing herbaceous species, such as legumes, grasses and crucifers, not so much to harvest but to bury them, thus giving the soil a good fertilization. The benefits deriving from this method in organic farming are important because the roots of a herbage penetrate deeply, increasing the porosity of the soil, improving the water retention capacity. The roots of the sown herbs, absorbing the microelements present in the soil, then make them available to the vine in all easily assimilable forms.
Precisely thanks to this procedure there is a decisive stimulus to the growth and activity of soil microorganisms and of an important substance, humus.
In fact, humus represents the most active part of the organic substance of the soil from a chemical and physical point of view, it combines with the mineral part, activating the chemical and physical properties of the soil, making it fertile. Plant care is fundamental in organic farming, with particular attention must be placed, by us producers, in the management of greenery.

The battle against parasites must start with prevention because only in this way can we have healthy vines without the aid of chemistry. The main operations are:
Sucking - is the removal of the shoots that arise at the base of the vine, near the roots. In our vineyards it is carried out manually as this is the only method that guarantees us targeted and complete work.
Chess – Cacti are the sterile shoots derived from fruit buds. In many cases, with this operation, fertile shoots are also removed, for example those that are double or in any case in excess of the desired production. Removal is easy when the sprouts are tender (20-30cm). This operation is also carried out entirely by hand without the use of machinery. The elimination of sterile shoots helps and promotes the leaf microclimate.
Thinning of inflorescences and bunches – allows control of production, favoring the best vegetative-productive balance. Containment of vegetative growth, leaf removal – prevents the creation of favorable conditions for possible parasitic attacks (especially powdery mildew and botrytis) by reducing the number of necessary treatments. Improves solar radiation of the bunches.
Green pruning – it is carried out during the veraison phase and serves to improve the well-being of the crop and prevent the development of some pathogens that are difficult to control in organic farming. Phyto-sanitary defense involves the use of substances such as sulfur and copper, and some natural preparations (chistosan, plant extracts, etc.) only in their simplest compositions and in limited quantities. All the interventions carried out in organic farming are natural and non-invasive, they aim to improve the state of well-being of the vine. The plant draws greater nourishment from the soil, is enriched with minerals, developing a greater defense against diseases and a greater production capacity, the grape has a thicker and more resistant skin, and the grape has a great consistency. The fruits of organic viticulture, which we interpret with love and passion, give us natural wines, organic wines, unique and full of style.